Headwoods' Lab (Big Alice)

From Snowpiercer Wiki
Revision as of 14:35, 20 September 2021 by >Slaugth324 (it said fully equipped genetics lab but given the synthetic tissue it must encompass other areas of biology and given what seems to be metal on icey bob he is presumably a cybernetic organism)

The Headwoods' Lab is a lab on Big Alice ,presumably devoted to biology and cybernetics,used by Mr. Headwood and Mrs. Headwood. The lab includes a sub-zero chamber where Icy Bob and Josie Wellstead trained their resistance to the cold.



Season 2


  • The lab has rats and Goop.
  • According to Bennett Knox, Big Alice has bovine cultures, which means cows could be brought back from extinction if humanity survives and The Freeze ends.

