- Javi: "CW7’s the compound that was shot into the atmosphere to reflect the sun and reverse global warming."
- Layton: "Yeah, i recall how that ended up."
- ― Javi and Layton in Smolder to Life
CW-7 was a cooling agent that was used to cool down the temperatures of the planet in response to Climate change.
CW-7 proved to be too effective and instead froze the planet, starting a new ice age so extreme that no life could survive it. Before CW-7 was released, Joseph Wilford predicted that CW-7 would freeze the planet, which led him to convert Snowpiercer from Luxury Liner to an Ark.
Season 2
After finding it to be snowing out, Melanie Cavill realized that CW-7 may have begun to break up in the upper atmosphere and fall to Earth, meaning that the planet might be warming and may potentially become habitable again in the survivors' lifetime rather than in a thousand years. Melanie set out to prove her theory using the abandoned Breslauer Weather Station and Weather balloons released by Snowpiercer across the planet to collect data and build a climate model in the hopes of finding a location that could potentially be recolonized.
After being recovered by Andre Layton and Alex, Melanie's data shows several areas that are warming, in most of Central America and South Mexico, parts of the top and bottom of South America, Spain and southwest Europe, much of the upper parts of Africa as well as the Middle East and Greece, parts of Asia, South Africa and Madagascar, about two-thirds of South Australia and two small spots in the Dominican Republic and South India. However, North America still appears to be completely frozen over with no warm areas.
Season 3
More research reveals that the Philippines and the Horn of Africa are warming, while the upper parts of Africa and parts of the Arabian Peninsula, are no longer warm.
Bennett determines that the locations the Pirate train checked out, won’t be habitable for a century, give or take, as even though it’s warming, the trend isn’t steep enough to be habitable yet. However, the Horn of Africa, specifically the southern Arabian Peninsula, has yet to be investigated. Lacking enough supplies to make it to the Horn of Africa, Layton decides to reconnect and take everyone with them.
After retaking the train, Layton tells Snowpiercer that they have tested North Korea, Sulawesi, Gujarat, Managua, the Atacama. And each one of these let them down. Layton lies that they found Asha at New Eden in the Horn of Africa in order to get people to vote yes on going there despite the Horn of Africa being along the worst part of the track.
Ultimately, Layton leads those who choose to take the risk of going to New Eden, to the Horn of Africa aboard Big Alice. The rough track derails the train as they arrive in a valley, identified by Alex as the best place in the warm spot to have a microclimate. At first the outside temperature registers as -10 degrees, but it quickly climbs with Javi and Alex realizing that it's inversion. Emerging from the wrecked train, the passengers discover the valley to be habitable with sunshine, melting ice and water in liquid form.
According to the Headwoods on the theory that the Earth is warming (based on the snow sample taken by Melanie Cavill), "The CW-7, it-it may have been buried in a larger compound." "A-Ammonium Sulfate. And if that's what it was, in the quantities we saw." "The theory holds, sir."
- Season One
- Season Two
- Smolder to Life is the first and only episode, that CW-7 is mentioned.
- Contrary to the movie, in the TV Series, the CW-7 was released by missiles rather than planes.
- In the graphic novels, CW-7 was a weapon of mass destruction that was activated during a war, but who activated it first is currently unknown.
- CW-7 was originally engineered to last a thousand years, in order to protect the Earth from Global Warming for that long.
- In reality, creating a thing like CW-7 would be Solar geoengineering.
CW-7 released by planes in the film