Breslauer Weather Station

From Snowpiercer Wiki
Revision as of 03:32, 4 March 2021 by >Spacedragon69 (Added info)

Breslauer Weather Station is a weather station in the Rocky Mountains build by Wilford Industries. Its located deep inside the mountain formation at an elevation of 3.6km, several kilometers from the Rocky Mountains Test Track railroad system. The closest Snowpiercer is able to get to it, is the Berthoud Curve and a "Crazy vertical slope".


The Station had 3 crew members, a husband and wife and a male coworker.


The Station has a array of solar panels for power and a radio tower.


Season Two


  • A geothermal vent, behind a wall, kept a colony of rats alive for seven years (that the crew never discovered).
  • The dead woman in the chair, may be a homage to the 1982 and 2011 film The Thing. In both cases a individual commits suicide by slitting their wrist, in a research station, in a cold hostile environment.
