Bennett Knox

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You have the train, Mr. Wilford.
— Bennett in First, the Weather Changed

Bennett Knox is a main character on TNT's Snowpiercer. He is portrayed by Iddo Goldberg.

As one of the original engineers who helped design the train, he is one of the few passengers who knows the deepest secrets of Snowpiercer.



Throughout The Series

Melanie's leadership

Bennett is a reserved member of Snowpiercer's management and follows Melanie Cavill's orders closely. Despite his devoted loyalty, he did not outright explain that he felt uneasy about pushing ahead at full speed despite Javi's warnings that the mountains around were not safe. When the mountain collapses, he investigates the damage done to one of the Ag-Sec carts with Melanie, and she vows him to secrecy; on the inside, however, he is conflicted and believes she is starving the train from the Tail to First.[1]

Bennett remains loyal to Melanie, however, throughout the troubles that ensue surrounding her leadership. When the train learns that Wilford is dead, Bennett remains loyal to Melanie despite Javi betraying the Engine. Bennett remarks that they sit tight in the Engine room — sealed off from the rest of Snowpiercer — until Melanie radios on the comms backup.

Despite his loyalty to Melanie, he is conflicted once again when Snowpiercer receives an interesting signal from an unknown source. Bennett checks out the satellite feed and instantly notices something amiss, bringing them offline in an effort to hide what he has found from Melanie and Javi. It is later revealed that the signal is Big Alice, and when Melanie questions Bennett about lying, he remarks that he believes it is time to give up and welcome Wilford again.[2]

When Snowpiercer falls under the leadership of Andre Layton and the other members of the Tail, Bennett remains loyal to Melanie and her quest to detach Big Alice and Snowpiercer. Remaining in the Engine, Bennett walks Melanie through the process of blowing the uplink between the two trains and placing a sticky charge on the mechanism.

When Melanie's suit fails, Bennett pleads with her not to give up and to board one of the trains or face being left behind to die in the wilderness; eventually, she boards Big Alice, much to Bennett's relief.[3]




Season One
Season Two

Memorable Quotes

Snowpiercer is coming apart. You know that, Mel. There is no perpetual motion because there are no perpetual parts.
Bennett to Melanie
You have the train, Mr. Wilford.
Bennett to Mr. Wilford


