A New Life

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A New Life is the fifth episode of the third season of Snowpiercer. It is the twenty-fifth episode of the series overall. The episode aired on TNT February 21, 2022 and then internationally on Netflix the next day.


TNT's: A series of terrorist attacks threatens to derail Layton and Zarah's big day.

Netflix's: As Zarah goes into labor, Layton and Till investigate a fire. Alex visits with Wilford, who remains in suspension. Ben asks Sykes to help Javi recover.


My little soul… I haven’t seen your face yet, but my love for you is already limitless. You aren’t just my child. You’re the future. As you grow up, you’ll hear many stories about your mother. (…) How, aboard Big Alice, she assured your survival yet again. And of your father, changing what was left of the world. Our journey to bring you into this world has been brutal. But I wouldn’t change a single misstep or agonizing decision that led to your life. I pray the choices your father and I have made are gifts. The gift of a new life. And the strength to face its dangers… on Snowpiercer, 1,029 cars long.
Zarah Ferami



As Zarah's close to give birth, the passengers set up the Tree Name as they hang a name they seemed fit on the tree and the mother and father would choose the name they likes the most. Miss Gillies also leads Winnie and Chunder, along with her class to hang the names as well. A few moments later Zarah's water is breaking. Till, Andre, and Winnie quickly escorts Zarah to the Headwoods' Lab aboard Big Alice.

Ruth and Tristan discusses about ringing the baby bell every hour, as it's not often to celebrate a baby aboard Snowpiercer. The two joins the ceremony at the Name Tree, with Miss Gillies and Miss Audrey watching along with the passengers. Moments after Tristan lights the Name Tree, a mysterious fire burns the tree, everyone evacuates the car. Moments later Till calls Layton that the Fire Crew already put the fire off. Layton joins Till to investigate the fire and call Doctor Pelton to oversee Zarah because he doesn't trust Mrs. Headwood. Pelton remarks that Dr. Headwood is unethical and unprofessional of how she's risking humanity's genetic

Pike encounter Ruth in 3rd Class Mess Hall, Pike asks if Ruth want to stop answering to Layton and to start a new chain of command together with Pike. Ruth nicely declined the offer and told him that she's already having her new life here. Pike heard


  • Josie gets a check with Mrs. Headwood about her icy treatment, since they haven't done a follow up check for 6 months since she's aboard Pirate train. Dr. Headwood told her that the side effect for cold resistance is that her injurious stimuli had changed, that she couldn't feel pain anymore.
  • Bennett Knox recruits Sykes to help Javi work together on Ag-Sec and other systems to get ready for New Eden. Javier cries as he is so broken down from the trauma, that he couldn't drive the engine anymore. Bennett cheers Javi up.



Zarah: "I'm having a baby, not a heart attack."
Layton: "Yeah, I got the heart attack part covered. Take it slow."
―  Zarah goes into labor
Doctor Pelton: "What the hell happened out there?"
Till: "Somebody almost got him."
―  Doctor Pelton seeks answers for Layton's state


  • The title of the episode is a line in Zarah Ferami's opening dialogue, about her's and Layton's child. The title could also be implying about how Pike had a chance to start his new life, but he declined it.
  • A Third Class tradition for naming a baby, involves writing down the name of someone special they remember, hanging it on a tree and picking one they really like when the baby is born. The tree is also lit up.
  • It's revealed that Winnie's name, Winnipeg, came from an old tradition to name a baby after the nearest city.
  • Sykes is revealed to have engineering knowledge and to have become a fully trusted member of the crew to the point that Bennett Knox goes to her for help with Javi.
  • Sykes reveals that her own scars also came from Jupiter attacking her, just like Javi.
  • Doctor Pelton states that there are less than 3,000 people left.
  • Josie receives training in driving Snowpiercer from Bennett and starts forming a romantic relationship with him.
  • For the first time in the entire series the sound of Snowpiercer's whistle is heard. While a whistle is heard departing Chicago in First, the Weather Changed, a flashback of the same scene in Many Miles From Snowpiercer, depicts no whistle.
  • Z-Wreck runs a speakeasy in the Market.
  • As a side effect of the cold resistance, Josie has stopped feeling pain in parts of her body, particularly in one of her legs.
  • Bennett tells Josie that he was with Melanie for 15 years and calls her his soulmate.
  • Zarah gives birth to little Liana Layton.

Body Count

  • None




Behind the Scenes


See also
